Sunday, March 1, 2009

Starting off

I thought I would take a minute and explain in further detail why I decided to start a cooking blog. It is not because I have all kinds of free time on my hands(I am a wife, mother, teacher, and full time chauffer!); but rather to help those who feel like they cannot cook. I have always been an OK cook, and got by for many years with standard suburban fare. Then I started wanting more. I began to do more research on what I wanted to cook, more grilling, and began cooking different types of things. I began to look forward to cooking, read more about cooking, and began to talk about cooking much more. These conversations about cooking led to my brother and I cooking together, and I have found that I really enjoy that!

It is possible to cook real meals, even on weeknights, and it is possible for anyone! Many of my friends and family, upon hearing about the lastest cooking escapades at my house, have made comments like, "I wish I could cook," "I could never make something like that!" or "I have pots and pans I've never used." My goal is to help anyone who wishes to cook better by providing easy recipes and helpful advice as I wander my way further into the culinary world.

Anyone can cook - So Cook Already!


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